The committee will meet at 10:30 a.m. in Room 4, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

BillAbstract Current StatusLDOA 
A3619Farming activity complaints-award farmer, defending against bad faith complaints SEG6/1/2021 
A4569Electric generation/gas supply svc.-receive signature prior to provision switch SEG6/28/2021 
S3535Electric generation/gas supply svc.-receive signature prior to provision switch SEG3/11/2021 
S3593Microgrids for electric veh use-concerns estab. of demonstration prog to develop SEG3/25/2021 
S3759Tax credits to qualified small employers in industries impacted by COVID-19-prov SBA6/10/2021 
S3838Farming activity complaints-award farmer, defending against bad faith complaints SEG6/1/2021 
S4067Farmland not redevelopment/rehab area-provide under Local Redevel & Housing Law SEG11/8/2021 
S4081Sewer & water utility svc discontinuances-proh; concerns protections SEG11/15/2021 
S4210Loan prog., assist businesses to prov accommodations for disab emp-req EDA estab SEG12/2/2021 

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