News From The Senate Democrats

In an effort to assist electric vehicle (EV) owners, the Senate Environment and Energy Committee released legislation sponsored by Senator Linda Greenstein and Senator Brian Stack which would require electric public utilities to charge the residential rate for EV charging services used by residential customers at certain designated charging stations.

     “The largest single source of emissions within New Jersey comes from the transportation sector, which accounts for 42 percent of the State’s net greenhouse gas emissions,” said Senator Greenstein (D-Mercer / Middlesex). “By 2035, it is our goal as a state to have two million electric vehicles registered in New Jersey as part of our mission to address climate change. By decreasing the price of charging for residents living in developments, this bill will aid in removing some key barriers that currently exist when purchasing and using electric vehicles.”

     The bill, S3285, would prohibit utilities from charging a residential customer greater than the residential rate for the use of an EV charging station that is located upon the premises of a real estate development where the customer resides.

     “The accessibility of charging stations for electric vehicles is already a struggle for owners, and residents living in developments should not have to pay more than the residential rate when charging their car,” said Senator Stack (D-Hudson). “With this bill, our goal is to alleviate some of the costs incurred from charging an electric vehicle to both help current electric vehicle drivers and encourage more drivers to make the switch to electric.”

     The bill was released from committee by a vote of 4-0-1.

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