Here’s a list of bills scheduled for committee action in the NJ Legislature Today (6/13) and Thursday (6/16)

By Frank Brill, EnviroPolitics Editor

Bill:   A111 (Space, Wirths)
Summary:   Provides that farm, farmstand, or other agricultural operation selling firewood obtained from property other than seller’s shall not be considered a lumber yard.
Scheduled:  06/13/2022—Assembly Agriculture and Food Security Committee, 1:00p, 4th Floor, Room 12, Annex.

Bill: A184 (Rooney)
Summary:   Requires public utilities requesting rate increase to hold public hearings in every county.                     06/02/2022—Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Assembly.
Scheduled:  06/16/2022—Assembly, Committees at Call of the Speaker; 1:00p Voting Session.

Bill:    A1929 (Swain, Dancer)
Summary:   Directs the Department of Agriculture to establish New Jersey Minority, Women, and Underserved Farmer Registry.
History:        01/11/2022—Introduced and referred to Assembly Agriculture and Food Security Committee. Scheduled:  06/13/2022—Assembly Agriculture and Food Security Committee, 1:00p, 4th Floor, Room 12, Annex.

Bill:  A428 Aca (1R) (Thompson)
Summary:  Allows planning and zoning board members to satisfy training requirements on the Internet. History:        01/11/2022—Introduced and referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee.                    6/09/2022—Reported out of committee with committee amendments
Scheduled:  06/16/2022—Assembly, Committees at Call of the Speaker; 1:00p Voting Session.

Bill:    A1960 Acs (ACS) (Wimberly, Mukherji, Chapparo)
Summary: Directs certain unclaimed electric, gas, and water public utility deposits in Unclaimed Utility Deposits Trust Fund and societal charge revenues to be paid to Statewide nonprofit public utility assistance organizations meeting certain eligibility criteria
History:        01/11/2022—Introduced and referred to Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee.           06/02/2022—Reported out of committee with committee substitute, 2nd reading in Assembly.
Scheduled:    06/14/2022—Assembly Appropriations Committee, 11:00a, 4th Floor, Committee Room 11, Annex. (Revised 06/10/2022)

Bill:               A2317 (Dancer)
Summary:   Allows equine and livestock veterinary facilities on preserved farmland under certain conditions. History:        02/07/2022—Introduced and referred to Assembly Agriculture and Food Security Committee. Scheduled:  06/13/2022—Assembly Agriculture and Food Security Committee, 1:00p, 4th Floor, Room 12, Annex.

Bill:               A2422 (Wimberly)
Summary:   Directs certain unclaimed electric and gas utility deposits in Unclaimed Utility Deposits Trust Fund and societal charge revenues to be paid to Statewide nonprofit energy assistance organizations meeting certain eligibility criteria.
History:        02/07/2022—Introduced and referred to Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee.                      06/02/2022—Combined with A‑1960 (ACS).
Scheduled:  06/14/2022—Assembly Appropriations Committee, 11:00a, 4th Floor, Committee Room 11, Annex.

Bill:               A3444 (Dancer)
Summary:   Establishes Organic Farming Advisory Board in the Department of Agriculture.
History:       03/08/2022—Introduced and referred to Assembly Agriculture and Food Security Committee.
Scheduled:  06/13/2022—Assembly Agriculture and Food Security Committee, 1:00p, 4th Floor, Room 12, Annex.

Bill:               A4066 (Verrelli, Moen, Speight)
Summary:   Appropriates funds to DEP for environmental infrastructure projects for FY2023.
History:       06/02/2022—Introduced and referred to Assembly Appropriations Committee.
Scheduled:  06/14/2022—Assembly Appropriations Committee, 11:00a, 4th Floor, Room 11, Annex.

Bill:               A4067 (Sampson, Conaway, Carter)
Summary:   Authorizes NJ Infrastructure Bank to expend certain sums to make loans for environmental infrastructure projects for FY2023.
History:        06/02/2022—Introduced and referred to Assembly Appropriations Committee.
Scheduled:  06/14/2022—Assembly Appropriations Committee, 11:00a, 4th Floor, Committee Room 11, Annex.

Bill:               A4089 AcaAca (2R) (DeAngelo, Benson, Karabinchak)
Summary:   Extends deadlines, under certain circumstances, for the completion and commercial operation of certain solar electric power generation facilities.
History:        05/26/2022—Introduced and referred to Assembly Telecommunications and Utilities Committee.                      06/02/2022—Reported out of committee with committee amendments, Referred to Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee.
                     06/09/2022—Transferred to Assembly Science, Innovation and Technology Committee. Reported from committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Assembly.
Scheduled:  06/16/2022—Assembly, Committees at Call of the Speaker; 1:00p Voting Session.

Bill:               A4182 ( Freiman, Dancer)
Summary:   Permits certain deer control activities; establishes check‑off donation on hunting license applications to support venison donation program; authorizes the issuance of multi‑species depredation permit for wildlife control on farmland.
History:        06/02/2022—Introduced and referred to Assembly Agriculture and Food Security Committee. Scheduled:  06/13/2022—Assembly Agriculture and Food Security Committee, 1:00p, 4th Floor, Room 12, Annex.

Bill:               S287 Greenstein (D14); Singleton (D7) +5
Summary:   Provides CBT tax credit for certain deliveries of low carbon concrete and for costs of conducting environmental product declaration analyses of low carbon concrete.
History:        01/11/2022—Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
Scheduled:  06/13/2022—Senate Environment and Energy Committee, 1:00p, 1st Floor, Room 6, Annex.

Bill:               S426 (Smith )
Summary:   Requires producers of packaging products sold in New Jersey to adopt and implement packaging product stewardship plans.
History:        01/11/2022—Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
Scheduled:  06/13/2022—Senate Environment and Energy, 1 pm, 1st Floor, Room 6, Annex. Discussion only

Bill:               S428 (Smith, Oroho)
Summary:   Extends Right to Farm Act protections to certain aquaculture activities.
History:       01/11/2022—Introduced and referred to Senate Economic Growth Committee.
Scheduled:  06/13/2022—Senate Economic Growth Committee, 10:30 am, 1st Floor, Committee Room 1, Annex.

Bill:               S2449( Gopal (D11); Polistina (R2) +6)
Summary:   Increases amount annually credited to Shore Protection Fund to $50 million.
History:        05/09/2022—Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
Scheduled:  06/13/2022—Senate Environment and Energy Committee, 1:00p, 1st Floor, Room 6, Annex.

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