Dr. Mehmet Oz (right) and former hedge fund executive David McCormick . McCormick is a Pennsylvania native who would have been a shoo-in in the general election, but thanks to Donald Trump he lost to Oz, who has a palatial home in Bergen County.

By Paul Mulshine | Star-Ledger Columnist

It seems like every time I open my email I see a new pitch for money from the Republican Pennsylvania U.S. Senate candidate who calls himself Dr. Oz.

A recent one read,” Fellow Conservative: Dr. Oz is officially LOSING in the polls to Radical Socialist John Fetterman. And I’m frightened.”

I’m frightened, too. I’m afraid the Republican Party is missing yet another chance to take control of the Senate thanks to the stupidity and incompetence of Donald Trump.

It was The Donald who decided to tell his acolytes to vote for Oz in the Pennsylvania Republican primary – despite the fact the TV doctor is from New Jersey, Cliffside Park to be specific.

With Trump’s support, Oz won the GOP primary over David McCormick, a solid conservative who was born and grew up in the heartland of Pennsylvania. But even with Trump’s backing, Oz won by a mere 951 votes.

Fetterman, the sitting lieutenant governor who is known for his sense of humor, immediately went on the attack.

“Do want someone who’s all about North Jersey? He’s not one of us” he asks in one attack ad.

Another ad shows footage of an Oz campaign ad in which the celebrity doctor stands in front of a bookcase as he calls for the Philadelphia mayor to resign amid a crime wave there. Other footage shows the bookcase is in Oz’s Cliffside Park crib.

Read the full opinion piece here

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