The New Jersey Business and Industry Association (NJBIA) has filed an amicus brief in the Appellate Division of Superior Court in support of appeals seeking to invalidate the Department of Environmental Protection’s environmental justice rulemaking, arguing it has caused chaos and creates more problems than it cures. 

While not seeking to prevent implementation of the law, the NJBIA is asking the court to “carefully review the deep flaws in this proposal and, having done so, reject the rule not for all time, but as presently written.”  

The brief was filed June 17 on behalf of NJBIA by attorneys Angelo Genova and Kenneth Sheehan, of the Genova Burns law firm, in support of businesses and labor groups that are appealing the DEP’s implementation of the law, which allows permits to be denied for facilities located in what the DEP deems to be overburdened communities. 

Read the full story here

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