To make the change to its Toxics Release Inventory, the EPA would need to launch a rulemaking process. The move would expand the public’s understanding of toxic chemicals released by such facilities.

By Jacob Wallace, Waste Dive

The U.S. EPA said it will initiate a rulemaking process to require certain incineration, combustion and gasification facilities to report toxic chemical releases through the agency’s Toxics Release Inventory, as is required with other industrial pollution sources. 

The decision comes in response to a petition from the Energy Justice Network and the Public Employees for
Environmental Responsibility sent on April 3, 2023. It would expand covered waste incineration entities beyond hazardous waste combustors, which were previously covered by the EPA’s program.

The move is expected to affect 60 facilities around the country, per the EPA. The agency denied part of the petition asking for all kinds of incinerators to be covered, saying it lacks the resources to monitor all such facilities.

Read the full story here

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