It took nine hearings in a single New Jersey Senate committee to spring loose a bill on Monday (S3398) that would shift responsibility for handling products in plastic containers to manufacturers. The plastics industry and their business allies continue efforts to block the legislation. Environmentalists and health advocates say it’s essential, pointing to studies showing plastic particles building up in our bodies.

State lawmakers are advancing bills to make plastic producers more responsible for the waste they create through Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) programs. EPR has been gaining traction as a promising waste management and reduction approach, with California, Colorado, Maine, and Oregon enacting EPR programs for plastic waste in recent years.
Building on legislation from these states, at least 11 other states have introduced 24 policies in 2024 to help improve their waste systems by establishing their own EPR for packaging programs. 

Researchers surprised to find microplastics in Florida Keys lagoons
Producer Responsibility for Plastics: 2024 State Policy Trends
Guide to Extended Producer Responsibility

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