Past DEC Smart Growth funds helped Mountain Top Arboretum in the Catskills complete a new education center in order to accommodate larger groups and expand educational programming.

New York’s Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) d has announced the availability of $1,450,000 in Community Smart Growth Grants for communities and not-for-profits in the Adirondack and Catskill parks.

DEC, in partnership with the Department of State and the Adirondack Park Agency, is soliciting applications for projects that will link environmental protection, economic development, and community livability within the special conditions of the Parks. The focus for this round of applications is age-friendly communities.

Funding for this round of Community Smart Growth Grants is provided by the Environmental Protection Fund and includes $1,050,000 for Adirondack Park projects and $400,000 for projects in the Catskill Park. The Request for Applications is available through the NYS Grants Gateway and the deadline to apply is 3 p.m. June 7, 2019. For more information on the grant, visit DEC’s website.

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