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Megan Quinn Reporter, WasteDive

Bottle bill proponents are working with lawmakers to introduce a bill they hope will create a nationwide container deposit program. Details are still in the works, but organizers plan to use similar language from the draft Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act. It would likely allow states with existing bottle bills to continue with state programs or have the option to join the federal program. 

The National Stewardship Action Council (NSAC) has started a political action committee, End Litter Now, to direct resources into the effort and says the bill could be introduced as early as September. The Container Recycling Institute, Greenpeace, and other groups are also involved.

Separately, authors of the American Recycling Infrastructure Plan have also called for the bottle bill language in the Break Free bill to become a standalone bill. That group includes the National Recycling Coalition, Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR), and Zero Waste USA. 

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