As supporters of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie formally launched a presidential campaign funding vehicle this week, reporters from three NJ-PA-NY news sources joined forces in
The Christie Tracker Podcast. It will follow the governor, step by step, on his run for the White House.

The show’s host David Furst (WNYC and NJ Public Radio) is joined by Matt Katz who covers Chris Christie for the same two news outlets and Tom Moran, editorial page editor for The Star-Ledger. Matt Rooney, who runs the conservative Save Jersey blog, is the fourth wheel who’s saddled with providing balance to the liberal trio who set the show’s pace.

Following Chris Christie is a reporter’s dream. He’s a print quote machine who’s even better in audio (booming volume, dripping sarcasm) and best in video (finger-pointing and winsome smiles). In this case, we’ll have to settle for audio but, like Christie himself, it should be fun.

Catch the blog’s first episode below or here

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