Twenty years ago, I was running a lobbying business, helping clients deal with the state government in New Jersey. It is crucial for any lobbyist to keep up on political news, so I was reading several newspapers each day. When I came across a story that I thought would be important for one of my clients, I would clip and send it.
Many of my early clients in the 1980s were in environmental-related industries like solid waste and recycling. The environment was a new and red-hot topic. It seemed to generate new legislative and regulatory proposals every week. The news clippings began to pile up and eventually it occurred to me that non-client businesses also might profit from a compilation of news from the environmental front.
That’s how EnviroPolitics started out, but it has evolved steadily since then.
Kate Brill came onboard as Assistant Editor in 2012, after attending the University of South Carolina and graduating from the Pennsylvania State University. Kate has helped us expand our focus to news of importance to all segments of our wide audience.
We also launched a free (and very popular) daily blog that spotlights timely and intriguing topics. And, as a public service, we added a frequently updated Enviro-Events Calendar.
Today, EnviroPolitics is proud to count among its readers many of the region’s top legal, engineering and consulting firms, major business organizations, political and regulatory leaders, and individuals with a keen interest in energy and the environment.
We hope you’ll try a free, 30-day, no obligation, subscription. We know you’ll like it and you’ll find yourself in the best of company.
Frank Brill