The announcement marks the end of a bitter feud that pitted environmentalists, Native American tribes, and farmers against Canadian officials and energy industry leaders

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Canceled. The pipeline’s developer, TC Energy, said yesterday it was pulling the plug on the project after a decade-long game of tug of war over the pipeline’s environmental impact.  

Keystone XL wasn’t exactly an active construction site. President Biden rescinded the pipeline’s construction permit on his first day in office, reflecting his administration’s commitment to fighting climate change. 

Why it matters: The announcement marks the end of a bitter feud that pitted environmentalists, Native American tribes, and farmers against Canadian officials and the energy industry. 

The former group argued the pipeline would have widespread damaging effects on the environment, increasing greenhouse gas emissions and potentially leaking oil into a critical aquifer.

Supporters of the pipeline said it would create thousands of well-paying construction jobs and bolster US energy security. 

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