On Saturday, we focused on the key role played by three New Jersey Republicans in the narrow passage of the Waxman-Markey climate-change bill in the House. (Jersey Republicans key to climate bill passage)

Matt Friedman reports in PolitickerNJ that the three are facing heat from conservatives over their votes and they may face primary challenges because of it. The New York Times’s Green Inc. blog quotes Rush Limbaugh linking the “northeastern Republicans” to Wall Street and urging that they be “sent packing” at re-election time.

Today, we recommend an analysis of the vote from a Pennsylvania perspective. It’s written for PoliticsPA by Louis Jacobson, a contributing editor with National Journal magazine. He says that, for most members of Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation, Friday’s vote was not about ideology but about quietly doing the safest thing for their district – and for their own reelection prospects.

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