Public officials, business and community leaders and university professors will convene on March 31, 2011 to explore the latest developments in sustainability at Rutger University’s Camden Campus, 326 Penn Street in Camden, NJ. (Directions)

The half-day symposium will focus on the latest in regional planning, funding opportunities, community involvement, and how businesses, universities, hospitals and municipalities will engage and execute their sustainability plans in 2011.

With pending changes in New Jersey’s Energy Master Plan and likely impacts in renewable portfolio standards and the electricity grid, event organizers say it is critical to understand the economic, policy and green energy implications at the federal and state levels.

The symposium will also highlight regional cutting-edge technological advances, issues and developments, such as:

*   The Philadelphia Navy Yard’s Innovation Hub
*   The East Coast rollout of the electric car
*   Electricity deregulation in Pennsylvania
*   New Jersey’s leadership role in solar energy
*   Wind power off of the Jersey shore
*   Shifting societal and generational paradigms for sustainability
*   Recent advances in waste management and recycling
*   Cost-effective and healthy green cleaning for the home and office

The symposium will open with breakfast keynote speaker Lee A. Solomon, President of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, followed by a series of breakout sessions.

New Jersey Assemblyman Upendra Chivukula will lead the lunch session. Both Solomon and Chivukula are driving forces in front of and behind the NJ Energy Master Plan.

Daniel Kidd, Architect with Bjarke Ingles Group (BIG), an internationally renowned architectural practice, will round out the day with his keynote presentation immediately following lunch.

In addition to our prestigious keynote speakers, attendees will have the choice of 15 educational offerings from the introductory level to the very advanced.

Sustainability Symposium Schedule
7:30 – 8:00 am:      Registration
8:00 – 9:00 am:      Breakfast: Welcome/Introductions/Keynote

9:10 – 10:10 am:    Breakout 1
10:20 – 11:20 amBreakout 2
11:30 – 12:30 pm:  Breakout 3
12:40 – 2:00 pm:    Lunch: Networking/Introductions/Keynote

2:00 pm:               Light Dessert/Coffee/Display Tables/Networking/Adjourn

The event is free and open to the public but space is limited and advance registration is advised.


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