matei, MorgueFile

Katie Pyzyk@_PyintheSky reports for WasteDive

More than half of U.S. states with container redemption programs have temporarily suspended enforcement of requirements for retailers, and in some cases other facility operators, due to multiple factors around the new coronavirus. ConnecticutIowaMaineMassachusettsMichigan, New York, Oregon and Vermont recently announced respective suspensions.

California and Hawaii – the other two states with bottle bills – have not announced enforcement changes. Recology, which operates redemption facilities in California, notified customers that some of its redemption services are suspended because of COVID-19. The Hawaii Department of Health noted online that hours of operation for redemption centers could change due to the virus.The enforcement suspensions in Connecticut, Maine and Oregon run through the end of March, while Iowa’s continues through April 7 and Vermont’s goes through the end of April.

Those suspensions are subject to extension, and several state agencies have noted that the situation is changing quickly. The suspension in Massachusetts is in effect until further notice, or until a state of emergency ceases. New York will continue its policy “during the ongoing COVID-19 response efforts.”

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