Marissa Luca reports for the Atlantic City Press:

Atlantic City, Atlantic County, and Bridgeton are among nine local-government bodies each receiving $100,000 from the New Jersey Economic Development Authority in an effort to promote innovative projects across the state, according to a press release.
The money is part of the Innovation Challenge, which offers communities a chance to compete for planning awards, the EDA said in a statement. Each town or county’s project focuses heavily on technology.

City’s money will go toward creating a Center for Marine & Environmental
Science on Bader Field, Atlantic County’s toward an Atlantic County Aviation
and Technical Academy and Bridgeton’s toward creating a food-technology hub.

“Communities across New Jersey responded to this challenge with a clear commitment to spurring innovation in their local ecosystems,” Gov. Phil Murphy said in the statement. “From the installation of a high-speed 5G fiber network to the creation of a collaborative research-driven incubator and maker’s campus, these plans will help further New Jersey’s ability to compete and win in the 21st-century economy.”

Click here for full story, including individual project details

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