Ready for a floor vote when Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives reconvenes next month is Special Session HB 1 .

The measure, considered the cornerstone of Governor Ed Rendell’s Energy Independence Strategy, allocates $850 million in bond funding to the Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority and the Commonwealth Financing Agency to support research, development and deployment of various alternative energy projects and technologies.

The bill provides rebates for consumers who purchase of energy-efficient appliances and also funds a rebate and grant program to encourage the use of solar energy.

The legislation also authorizes grants and loans for alternative energy projects, alternative fuels, demand-side management and energy-efficient measures.

Specific earmarks include $30 million for facilities manufacturing wind turbines and other energy components, and $25 million for pollution control technology projects at certain coal-burning electric-generating and cogeneration facilities.

More at: House adds more to ‘green’ energy bill

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