In their final voting sessions prior to summer recess, members of the New Jersey Senate and Assembly last night took action on a host of environmental bills.

Among those receiving final passage and sent to the governor’s desk were bills that:

  • Place on the November, 2009 election ballot a $400 million open-space and farmland preservation bond issue question .
  • Make it more difficult for local zoners to block the construction of wind and solar energy facilities.
  • Authorize counties and towns to acquire land for resale or lease with agricultural deed restrictions attached for farmland preservation purposes.
  • Appropriate funds to DEP for environmental infrastructure projects.
  • Authorize the New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust
    to make loans for environmental infrastructure projects.
  • Extend the deadline for municipal recycling coordinators’ educational requirements.
  • Allow developers with approved but un-built housing projects aimed at buyers aged 55 and older to be able to seek permission
    to eliminate the age restrictions.

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