Betsy Lillian reports for Solar Industry:

Rep. Jacky Rosen, D-Nev., has introduced the bipartisan Protecting American Solar Jobs Act, which would repeal the Trump administration’s solar tariffs.
H.R.5571 was introduced along with Reps. Jared Huffman, D-Calif., Mark Sanford, R-S.C., Ralph Norman, R-S.C., and Steve Knight, R-Calif.
According to a press release from Rosen, the bill would repeal the Trump administration’s “misguided decision” to impose tariffs on solar. In January, President Donald Trump approved an order applying import tariffs on crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells and modules starting at 30%, with an annual exemption for the first 2.5 GW of imported solar cells.
Under the proposed legislation, however, duties and tariffs would default back to previous rates and would allow companies that imported any affected solar products under the new tariff to receive retroactive reimbursement.
“Solar energy’s success throughout Nevada has led to new jobs, cheaper power bills and the growth of a new industry that is diversifying our state’s economy,” states Rosen. “This administration directly threatened the stability and financial well-being of our local solar industry when the president decided to impose a 30 percent tariff on imported panels. An attack on solar energy is an attack on the countless hardworking Nevadans who benefit from this growing industry, and my new bill will reverse this damaging decision.”
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