NJDEP Commissioner Catherine McCabe will be retiring on Jan. 15, 2021.

By Tom Johnson, NJ Spotlight

Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Catherine McCabe plans to retire effective Jan. 15, ending a three-year stint during which she sought to spur more aggressive action by the agency in fighting climate change and tackling problems faced by environmental justice communities.

McCabe announced her departure Tuesday in an early morning e-mail, telling staff she had advised Gov. Phil Murphy of plans to retire early next year. “As with all personal milestones for me, this was a family decision,’’ the note said, while expressing an interest to spend more time with her children and grandchildren.

In a news release by the governor’s office, Murphy said he will announce a successor in the coming weeks. The odds-on favorite appears to be Shawn LaTourette, a deputy commissioner and chief of staff at DEP, who sources said has had a key role in running the agency over recent months.

Read the full story here

Other McCabe coverage:
DEP Commissioner Catherine McCabe to Retire (NJ Business Magazine)
LaTourette may be early front runner for Environmental Protection cabinet post (NJ Globe)
Catherine McCabe, the state’s top environmental regulator, to retire (NorthJersey.com)

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