Governor lambastes Democratic-controlled Legislature for bill that would allow Port Authority employees to sidestep ban

newark airport

Matt Katz reports for WNYC:

Praising President Donald Trump’s travel ban as an effective public safety measure, Gov. Chris Christie vetoed a bill that would have prohibited airport employees from enforcing restrictions on certain travelers from Muslim majority nations seeking to enter the United States.
The bill approved by the Democratic-controlled legislature would have forbid employees of the Port Authority — which operates Newark Liberty, JFK, and LaGuardia airports — from providing “aid, resources, assistance, or support to any federal employee” enforcing the Trump travel ban. In order to become law, a similar measure would have had to be signed into law in New York, which jointly runs the Port Authority with New Jersey.
Pending a final Supreme Court ruling later this year, a modified version of the travel ban is in effect — travelers must have a “bona fide” connection to the U.S. if they come from one of the six affected countries.

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