Gov. Tom Corbett has called on one of his appointees to the state Board of Probation and Parole to resign, the latest official in his administration to be impacted by a widening pornographic email scandal.
Randy P. Feathers
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports:
"Mr. Corbett, through a spokesman Friday, called on board member Randy Feathers to resign. Mr. Feathers has served on the board since 2012; the position pays $115,932 annually.
"In a letter to the governor, Mr. Feathers requested the opportunity to have an independent forensics expert review the information released by the state Office of Attorney General Kathleen Kane.
"Mr. Feathers said he will consider resigning at the conclusion of the review if it is determined that he did not “uphold my professional responsibilities.”
"A board member can be removed “for cause” by the governor and with a two-thirds majority vote of the state Senate. A spokeswoman for the Board of Probation and Parole had no comment on the matter Friday evening. Senators return to Harrisburg on Monday. A spokesman for the Republican majority caucus said he “would anticipate strong bipartisan support if a vote is needed” on the matter."
On Thursday, the governor’s office announced the resignation of Christopher Abruzzo, Secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection and Glenn Parno, DEP deputy chief counsel.

In an interview with the Philadelphia Inquirer, Feathers said that Attorney General Kane "doesn’t have he best credibility with me." He asserted that he initiated none of the emails Kane has released, adding: I’m not gong to resign from a position because she says I did something. This is politics and I’m caught in the middle of it."

Feathers noted Kane’s past inquiry and criticism of how he and others handled the Sandusky case, a review he said was also politically motivated. "If this is the cost of putting Jerry Sandusky away for life, I’m willing to go through this," he said. "I’m a cop. That’s what I do. I’m not a p;politician."

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