A federal court ruling could force the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to decide whether or not to rehear the PennEast Pipeline application. The natural gas pipeline would go through a portion of Upper Bucks County.

Chris Ullery reports for the Courier-Times
After more than three months without a decision, the Delaware Riverkeeper Network is seeking a federal court order to rehear the approved application for the controversial PennEast Pipeline.
On May 9, the network filed a petition for a writ of mandamus in the Washington, D.C., Circuit Court of Appeals asking the courts to compel the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to hold rehearings for the pipeline application approved earlier this year, a news release from the network states.
FERC approved the pipeline’s Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity on Jan. 19, prompting the network to file a rehearing request five days later.
The network also filed a motion with FERC on Jan. 24 “to halt construction and any other land disturbance pending the rehearing request,” a news release from the network states.

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