Doris Duke estate before it fell into disrepair
Doris Duke’s former estate in Hillsborough, NJ before it fell into disrepair

The contractor hired to tear down the historic Doris Duke mansion in Hillsborough, NJ has returned to the property and demolition work is
expected to resume Tuesday, March 29,
Michael Catania, executive
director of the
Duke Farms Foundation, confirmed Monday.

David Hutchinson reports for

Crews, which had to stop work on March 6 after an Appellate Division judge’s issued an
emergency stay on the demolition, are setting up and preparing to resume razing the mansion after New Jersey Supreme Court Justice Lee Solomon ruled March 21 against the emergency stay.

“The demolition contractor has returned to Duke Farms and the demolition will resume in an orderly fashion,” said Catania.
Catania said he expects demolition on the remaining structure to resume on Tuesday. Rain on Monday delayed site work. Prior to the emergency stay about half of the mansion, a portion known as the Hollywood wing, had been demolished.
David Brook, an attorney for a citizens group call DORIS (Demolition of Residence is Senseless), had been seeking to stop the demolition until the Appellate Division hears his appeal on a vote by the township’s Historical Preservation Commission that approved razing of the structure, which was built in 1893.
Brook wasn’t immediately available for comment.

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