By John O’Brien, Legal Newsline


DETROIT (Legal Newsline) – Not only should the lawsuit contesting Michigan’s Presidential vote results be thrown out of court, the Trump-backers who brought it should be penalized.

That’s the argument of the City of Detroit, which on Dec. 22 filed a motion to dismiss the case and to impose sanctions on former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell, who rounded up plaintiffs to allege voting machines changed the outcome of the 2020 election in favor of Joe Biden.

Powell is currently appealing the decision of federal judge Linda Parker to deny an injunction against the results of the vote. In the meantime, defendants and other intervening groups are moving to dismiss her lawsuit entirely.

Detroit took it a step further, arguing Powell has caused the defendants to incur expenses and attorneys fees by pursuing an unreasonable lawsuit.

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“If sanctions are not deserved in this case, it is hard to imagine a case where they would be,” attorneys for the city wrote.

“Sidney Powell has stated that the courts have rejected her lawsuits ‘because the corruption goes deep and wide.’ But, in truth, she filed lawsuits devoid of any factual or legal merit, hoping not to prevail but to damage democracy.”

Because of the nature of the litigation, attorneys involved should be held to the highest standards, the motion says. Powell and her co-counsel owe Detroit its litigation costs, the city argues.

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