By Frank Brill, EnviroPolitics Editor

In his post yesterday breaking the sad news of her death, NJ Globe‘s David Wildstein called Edwina Davis “a beloved fixture in the New Jersey statehouse for nearly 30 years.” So true.

Edwina was the person who met generations of legislators, staffers, news people and lobbyists when they visited the governor’s counsel’s office to book or attend an appointment or just to say hello and catch up on a little gossip. She was perpetually pleasant and appeared to be honestly interested in everyone she met. I refuse to believe it was feigned.

The first time I met Edwina, I was a green-as-grass young lobbyist, looking to book an appointment with one of the governor’s lawyers to discuss a piece of legislation. I likely was struggling to look relaxed and Edwina must have guessed it. She asked me my name, offered a seat opposite her (and some candy) and immediately treated me like a statehouse veteran.

Whenever I called in the future, she always remembered my name (what a gift for anyone involved in politics) and inquired about things we discussed in the past. Beloved statehouse figure indeed. Like many others, I’m sure, I often poked my head in just to say hello and win one of her warm greetings.

There must be times when David Wildstein has to struggle to get a quote from those he interviews. Not so in this case. Check out his story here,

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