Energy and environmental bills will be considered in two Assembly committees today in Trenton and in floor votes in the state Senate. A third Assembly committee will hear testimony on New Jersey’s aging drinking water and wastewater infrastructure.

Here’s the lineup:

10 a.m., Committee Room 11, 4th Floor,  State House Annex

A-2268  Wisniewski, J.S. (D-19); Singleton, T. (D-7)
Establishes State Transportation Infrastructure Bank and Energy Bank within New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust.
Related Bill: S-307

2 p.m., Room 15, 4th Floor State House Annex

A-1294  Dancer, R.S. (R-12); Space, P. (R-24); Andrzejczak, B. (D-1); Caride, M. (D-36)
Extends Right to Farm Act protections to commercial beekeepers, with some restrictions.
Related Bill: S-1328
A-1295  Dancer, R.S. (R-12); Space, P. (R-24); Andrzejczak, B. (D-1); Caride, M. (D-36)
Establishes exclusive State regulatory authority over apiary activities and allows for delegation of monitoring and enforcement authority to municipalities.
A-1296  Dancer, R.S. (R-12); Space, P. (R-24); Caride, M. (D-36)
Establishes penalty for destruction of man-made native bee hive.
A-1305  Dancer, R.S. (R-12); Wilson, G.L. (D-5); Riley, C.M. (D-3)
Requires any State entity planting vegetation to use only vegetation native to area being planted, and when purchasing vegetation, to purchase, to the maximum extent possible, only from NJ businesses.
A-3257  Cryan, J. (D-20); Andrzejczak, B. (D-1); Mazzeo, V. (D-2); Burzichelli, J.J. (D-3)
Expands type of use qualifying as low intensity recreational use on lands in Pinelands agricultural production areas.
Related Bill: S-2125
AR-71  Dancer, R.S. (R-12); Quijano, A. (D-20); Mazzeo, V. (D-2); Space, P. (R-24)
Urges State residents to support NJ beekeepers by purchasing honey made in NJ.

2 p.m. – Room 9, State House Annex
The committee will hear testimony from invited stakeholders regarding the State’s aging drinking water and wastewater infrastructure.

2 p.m. Senate Chambers

A-1080  Vainieri Huttle, V. (D-37); Jimenez, A.M. (D-32)
Prohibits smoking at public parks and beaches.
Related Bill: S-1772
S-139  Bateman, C. (R-16); Doherty, M.J. (R-23)
Establishes Hunterdon-Somerset Flood Advisory Task Force.
Related Bill: A-259
S-1306  Sweeney, S.M. (D-3); Green, J. (D-22); Prieto, V. (D-32); Jimenez, A.M. (D-32)
Establishes the "Superstorm Sandy Bill of Rights."
Related Bill: A-2568
S-1414  Smith, B. (D-17); Bateman, C. (R-16)
Concerns low emission and zero emission vehicles; establishes Clean Vehicle Task Force.
Related Bill: A-2405
S-1772  Turner, S.K. (D-15); Vitale, J.F. (D-19); Weinberg, L. (D-37)
Prohibits smoking at public parks and beaches.
Related Bill: A-1080
S-2122  Van Drew, J. (D-1); Beck, J. (R-11)
Appropriates funds to DEP for environmental infrastructure projects for FY2015.
Related Bill: A-3264
S-2123  Gordon, R.M. (D-38); Thompson, S.D. (R-12)
Authorizes New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust to expend certain sums to make loans for environmental infrastructure projects for FY2015.
Related Bill: A-3265
SCR-117  Smith, B. (D-17); Bateman, C. (R-16)
Approves FY 2015 Financial Plan of NJ Environmental Infrastructure Trust.
Related Bill: ACR-157
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