The following six energy and environment bills are among a list of 52 pieces of legislation scheduled for votes by the New Jersey State Senate on Monday, Marcy 26, 2018:

S534 (Oroho / Sarlo) – Excludes corrugated containers sold by the manufacturer from definition of “litter-generating product”; exempts such sales from user fee imposed under “Clean Communities Program Act.”

S1082 (Cruz-Perez / Singleton) – Provides tax credits to vineyards and wineries for qualified capital expenses.

S1242 (Turner / Greenstein) – Requires boil water notices to be provided to municipal officials within one hour.

S1496 (Smith / Greenstein) – Prohibits sale and distribution of mercury relays and switches under certain circumstances.

S1793 (Smith / Greenstein) – Concerns low emission and zero emission vehicles; establishes Clean Vehicle Task Force.

A839 / S258 (Land / Andrzejczak / Mazzeo / Van Drew / Singleton) – Prohibits offshore oil and gas exploration, development, and production in State waters, and issuance of DEP permits and approvals for activities associated with offshore oil and gas activities.

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