Monday will be a busy day for energy and environmental bills in committees of the New Jersey Legislature.

Here’s the  lineup:

11/09/15 10:00 AM
Committee Room 9, 3rd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
A-4091  Eustace, T. (D-38)
Allows certain on-site generation facilities to deliver
electricity without utilizing electric public utility infrastructure.  
Related Bill: S-2690
A-4128  Mazzeo, V. (D-2); DeAngelo, W.P. (D-14);
Spencer, L.G. (D-29) 
Requires BPU to approve qualified wind energy project
and exempts project from cost-benefit analysis.  
Related Bill: S-2711
S-2711  Smith, B. (D-17); Whelan, J. (D-2)
Requires BPU to approve qualified wind energy project
and exempts project from cost-benefit analysis.  
Related Bill: A-4128   
11/09/15 10:00 AM
Committee Room 10, 3rd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
A-943  Singleton, T. (D-7); Conaway, H. (D-7);
Moriarty, P.D. (D-4); Green, J. (D-22) 
Permits small businesses to qualify for loans from
NJEDA for costs of energy audit and making energy efficiency or conservation
A-2340  Greenwald, L.D. (D-6); Spencer, L.G. (D-29);
Lagana, J.A. (D-38)
Requires report and public hearing prior to DEP
recommendation of site for inclusion on Superfund list. 
A-2580  Mukherji, R. (D-33); Pintor Marin, E. (D-29);
Muoio, E.M. (D-15)
Provides for priority consideration, by DCA, DEP, DOT,
and municipalities, of permit applications for green building projects.
S-2562  Pou, N. (D-35)
Requires report and public hearing prior to DEP
recommendation of site for inclusion on Superfund list.  
Related Bill: A-2340
S-2967  Van Drew, J. (D-1)
Permits small businesses to qualify for loans from
NJEDA for costs of energy audit and making energy efficiency or conservation
Related Bill: A-943
S-3192  Van Drew, J. (D-1); Connors, C.J. (R-9)
Designates striped bass (Morone saxatilis) as New
Jersey saltwater fish.  
Related Bill: A-4563    
11/09/15 10:30 AM
Committee Room 7, 2nd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
SR-95  Bateman, C. (R-16); Cardinale, G. (R-39)
Urges US DOT to promulgate regulations concerning
transport of crude oil by rail that ensures safety of NJ residents who live
along railroads.
Related Bill: AR-171     
11/09/15  1:00 PM
Committee Room 4, 1st Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
S-72  Stack, B.P. (D-33); Oroho, S.V. (R-24)
Requires certain State oversight of budgets of regional
sewerage authorities.
Related Bill: A-3782     
S-2769  Smith, B. (D-17); Bateman, C. (R-16)
Implements 2014 constitutional dedication of CBT
revenues for certain environmental purposes; revises State’s open space,
farmland, and historic preservation programs.
Related Bill: A-4203 
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