The New Jersey Assembly is scheduled to vote on the following list of energy and environment bills on Monday, March 25 in Trenton, NJ:

A1040 – Establishes NJ “Landowner of the Year” award program.

A3242 – Permits certain deer control activities; prohibits deer feeding; and establishes check-off donation on hunting license applications to support venison donation program; authorizes the issuance of multispecies depredation permit for wildlife control on farmland

[Scheduled action in the Senate on Monday, March 25]

A5034 – Authorizes sale and conveyance of certain State-owned real property in Stafford Township, Ocean County to US Fish and Wildlife Service.

A4060 – Exempts sales of certain materials used in industrial sand casting processes from sales and use tax.

A4012 – Provides that natural gas supplier license issued by BPU may be renewed without expiring if certain conditions are met.

S1074 – Provides for protection of the public right of access to certain public trust lands.

A4221 – Provides for protection of the public right of access to certain public trust lands.
A4845 – Prohibits certain possession, sale, trade, distribution, or offering for sale of shark fins.  

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