By Frank Brill, EnviroPolitics Editor
The New Jersey Senate and Assembly are in the home stretch of their two-year session which will end in early January. Below is a listing of environmental bills scheduled for action in two Senate committees on Thursday and next Monday. The most anticipated of them is the plastic bag ban bill, S2776.

Thursday, December 5, 2019
Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee, 11:30 am 1st Floor, Committee Room 4, Annex.

S2776 Smith (D17); Greenstein (D14) +2 Prohibits carryout bags made of plastic film, polystyrene foam food-service products, and single‑use plastic straws; assesses fee on paper carryout bags.

S3457 Sweeney (D3); Andrzejczak (D1) Appropriates $450,000 for Hooked on Fishing‑Not on Drugs Program.

S3870 Sarlo (D36) Authorizes alternative procedure for sale of municipal sewerage systems to public utilities.

S3965 Ruiz (D29); Cryan (D20) +2 Requires DEP, DOH, DCA, owners or operators of public water systems, and owners or operators of certain buildings to take certain actions to prevent and control cases of Legionnaires’ disease.


Monday, December 9, 2019
Senate Environment and Energy Committee, 10 a.m.
1st Floor, Committee Room 6, Annex.

S2495 Smith (D17); Greenstein (D14) Authorizes NJ Infrastructure Bank to issue up to $20 million in bonds to finance cost‑effective energy efficiency improvements in State, local, and school district buildings.

S4162 Smith (D17) Establishes New Jersey Climate Change Resource Center at Rutgers University, appropriates $2 million.

SR151 Weinberg (D37) Urges Governor to impose a moratorium on fossil fuel projects.

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