Here’s the lineup of scheduled committee action on energy, environment and agriculture bills for Thursday, March 3, in
the New Jersey Legislature:

2 PM
Committee Room 15, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
A-939  Wolfe, D.W. (R-10); McGuckin, G.P. (R-10)
Changes law regulating size limits of lobsters.
Related Bill: S-1157
A-1645  Schaer, G.S. (D-36); Webber, J. (R-26); 
Expands definition of “acquisition,” for
purposes of county and municipal open space trust funds, to include demolition,
removal of debris, and restoration of lands being acquired.
A-2949  Andrzejczak, R.B. (D-1); Land, R.B. (D-1)
Provides diamondback terrapins protection as non-game
indigenous species.
Related Bill: S-1625
2 PM
Committee Room 9, 3rd Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ
A-223  DeAngelo, W.P. (D-14); Benson, D.R. (D-14)
Requires NJ Energy Star Homes Program incentives be
available Statewide.
A-231  Danielsen, J. (D-17); Pinkin, N.J. (D-18)
Establishes position of State Oceanographer.
Related Bill: S-987
A-1493  McKeon, J.F. (D-27); Gusciora, R. (D-15)
Clarifies intent of P.L.2007, c.340 regarding NJ’s
required participation in Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.
A-1863  Wimberly, B.E. (D-35)
Changes types of development requiring CAFRA permit
from DEP.
A-2529  DeAngelo, W.P. (D-14)
Provides for replacement of incandescent light bulbs in
public school buildings with energy-efficient light bulbs.
ACR-115  Wimberly, B.E. (D-35)
Memorializes Administrator of EPA to expedite cleanup
of Garfield Ground Water Contamination site and provide for temporary
relocation of residents affected thereby.
ACR-160  McKeon, J.F. (D-27); Spencer, L.G. (D-29)
Prohibits adoption of DEP’s proposed rules and
regulations to revise its Flood Hazard Area Control Act Rules, Coastal Zone
Management Rules, and Stormwater Management Rules.
Related Bill: SCR-66
S-987  Smith, B. (D-17)
Establishes position of State Oceanographer.
Related Bill: A-231

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