December 10, 2010
New Jersey Pinelands Commission Meeting 9:30 a.m.
NJ Pinelands Commission, 15 Springfield Road
New Lisbon, NJ 08064
The Pinelands Commission usually meets on the second Friday of each month. These meetings are open to the public and are most frequently conducted at the Richard J. Sullivan Center for Environmental Policy and Education, 15C Springfield Road, New Lisbon, New Jersey. The Commission does sometimes meet at other locations in the Pinelands during the year, so please confirm the meeting place by calling the Commission’s offices.
Committees of the Commission meet between the regularly scheduled monthly meetings. The committees include Comprehensive Management Plan (CMP) Policy and Implementation, Permanent Land Protection, Personnel and Budget, Public and Governmental Programs, and Science.
December 10 2010

Solar Education, Credentialing & Workforce Development: A ‘How-to” Seminar
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Beanwood Coffee Latin Bistro
222 Farnsworth Avenue
Bordentown, NJ
More information
NY: Conference on Water Resources and the Regional Economy
8:30 a..m to 4 p.m.
SUNY New Paltz
Student Union Building
Speakers: Brian McMahon, Executive Director of the NYS Economic Development Council Congressman Maurice Hinchey
Mayor Phillip Amicone, Yonkers
Elizabeth Schilling, Smart Growth America
December 15, 2010
Electric Vehicle Quarterly Discussion Webinar
Host: Linda Bluestein, DOE Clean Cities
Speaker: Jim Francfort, Idaho National Laboratory
Time: 1:00-3:00 p.m. EDT
The Webinar will focus on differences in electric vehicle charging levels, charging options, characteristics of different technologies, and partnerships with electric utilities. Contact: Please contact Sandra Loi. For more information on Clean Cities and the Vehicle Technologies Program, please visit the Vehicle Technologies Program Web site at
December 16, 2010 Webinar: Tools and Techniques to Effectively Manage EHS Regulatory Compliance
1 p.m. The webcast offers both essential education and practical advice for individuals in environmental compliance, EHS, regulatory affairs, compliance, and risk management roles looking to comply with regulations, improve compliance processes, and save money. Learn how organizations that embrace effective compliance change management can reduce liability, mitigate risks, and enable efficiency and cost savings throughout the organization. A Q&A session will be held during the last 15 minutes of the Webinar. Register at:
December 18, 2010
Book Signing: The Pine Barrens of New Jersey Noon to 4 p.m.
Pinelands Preservation Alliance
Bishop Farmstead, Southampton, NJ Directions
Come join local author Karen Riley for a special treat as she unveils her latest book
on the Pine Barrens. She will give a slide show and talk at 1:00pm about her new book, The Pine Barrens of New Jersey, plus signing and book sales
January 17-19, 2011 Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Anaheim (CA) Hilton
The conference will present mini-symposia, including one on the introduction to smart grid, and another on workforce preparedness. The Conference will be a forum for the participants to discuss state-of-the-art innovations in smart grid technologies. The Conference will feature special sessions and tutorials by international experts on smart grid applications. Register
January 27-28
74th Annual Walk to Washington and Congressional Dinner Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Join us as the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce celebrates its 100th birthday, welcomes
a new president, and offers its members unprecedented opportunities for networking and visibility. This year, we honor our past — founding companies that have been Chamber members for ten decades, through thick and thin and the ups and downs of business cycles. We also look to the future with a revamped and more interactive dinner format, plenty of networking to help you through these tough times, and an opportunity to meet the Chamber’s new president. For more information, click here. To register, click here.
January 30 – February 2, 2011
Delaware Estuary Summit Estuaries are the most productive ecosystems in the world, and for four days this winter, the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary’s (PDE) Science and Environmental Summit will be equally as dynamic. From January 30 through February 2, educators, government representatives, resource managers, scientists, and students will join together in Cape May, New Jersey for the PDE’s fourth Summit. This mid-winter retreat is a unique forum for lively discussions and cutting-edge research, and it’s a chance to connect with like-minded people working for the health and future of the Delaware River and Bay. [Download Now]
February 2-4
Structuring Your Wind Project Development, Negotiating Your Wind Project Financing
Racho Bernardo Inn, San Diego
Agenda for two-day event Register here
March 31 – April 2, 2011
SET2011 | Exhibition & Conference Los Angeles Convention Center
For free publication, send your event information to:
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