The New Jersey Assembly has a long list of  bills on its voting agenda today including: 
A-743  DiMaio, J. (R-23); Wagner, C. (D-38)
Permits sale of raw milk under certain conditions and establishes raw milk permit program.
Related Bill: S-2702
A-1083  Gusciora, R. (D-15); Milam, M.W. (D-1); Albano, N.T. (D-1)
Clarifies failure to provide minimum care to an animal constitutes animal cruelty.
Related Bill: S-1182
A-2042  DeAngelo, W.P. (D-14); Milam, M.W. (D-1); Albano, N.T. (D-1)
Requires BPU to increase credit provided when issuing Solar Renewable Energy Certificates for solar energy produced by equipment manufactured in NJ.  Related Bill: S-465
A-2486  Burzichelli, J.J. (D-3); Rumana, S.T. (R-40)
Prohibits adoption of new rules exceeding federal standards unless specifically authorized by State law or necessary to protect public health, safety, or welfare.  Related Bill: S-1986
A-2606  McKeon, J.F. (D-27); Barnes III, P.J. (D-18)
Authorizes Ocean County Planning Board and municipal planning boards in Ocean County to take certain measures to control stormwater runoff and nonpoint source pollution in Barnegat Bay watershed.  Related Bill: S-1856

A-2925  Riley, C.M. (D-3)
Concerns permits, letters of exemption, and enforcement with regard to agricultural activities under “Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act”.
A-3124  Quijano, A. (D-20); McKeon, J.F. (D-27)
Increases Spill Compensation and Control Act cap on liability.  Related Bill: S-2108
A-3648  Cryan, J. (D-20); Stender, L. (D-22); McKeon, J.F. (D-27)
Directs installation of electric vehicle charging stations at service areas on State’s toll roads.
Related Bill: S-2603
A-3668  Chivukula, U.J. (D-17); Diegnan, P.J. (D-18); McKeon, J.F. (D-27)
Authorizes certain municipalities to establish the municipal shared services energy company.
Related Bill: S-2630
A-3688  Wilson, G.L. (D-5); Riley, C.M. (D-3); Quijano, A. (D-20)
Authorizes Department of Agriculture to implement mobile fresh produce markets for residents of urban “food desert” communities.  Related Bill: S-2728

A-3831  Cryan, J. (D-20); Johnson, G.M. (D-37)
Replaces plenary winery and farm winery licenses with small winery and wine manufacturing licenses.
A-3905  Greenwald, L.D. (D-6); Lampitt, P.R. (D-6); Coutinho, A. (D-29)
Expands treatment of mixed use projects under urban transit hub tax credit and requires developers utilizing State funds to reserve affordable units under certain conditions.
Related Bill: S-2788
ACR-126  Burzichelli, J.J. (D-3); Riley, C.M. (D-3)
Determines that BPU regulation requiring approval of BPU prior to closure or relocation of cable television company’s local business office is inconsistent with legislative intent.

  Burzichelli, J.J. (D-3)

Determines that DEP rules and regulations concerning requirement of domes on certain storage tanks are inconsistent with legislative intent.
AJR-67  Wagner, C. (D-38); Gusciora, R. (D-15); Vainieri Huttle, V. (D-37)
Urges Delaware, New York, and Pennsylvania to enact moratorium banning  hydraulic fracturing for natural gas exploration or production until EPA concludes study and issues findings on that drilling practice.  Related Bill: SJR-59
S-1856  Smith, B. (D-17)
Authorizes Ocean County Planning Board and municipal planning boards in Ocean County to take certain measures to control stormwater runoff and nonpoint source pollution in Barnegat Bay watershed.  Related Bill: A-2606
S-2108  Smith, B. (D-17); Bateman, C. (R-16)
Clarifies liability for discharges of hazardous substances that enter NJ waters.
Related Bill: A-3124 

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