NJ Gov. Chris Christie and Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno

Although he has spent most days recently on the presidential campaign trail, New Jersey Governor Christie is still signing, vetoing and conditionally vetoing bills.

Among those which that he most recently signed into law are:

S-2420/A-3838 (Smith, Bateman/McKeon, Eustace, Gusciora, Benson) – Increases electric power net metering capacity threshold to 2.9 percent of total annual kilowatt-hours sold in State.

SCS for S-2567/AS for A-4025 (Sweeney, Oroho, Smith, Greenstein, Thompson/Mazzeo, Andrzejczak, Space, McHose, Pinkin) – Creates “Fishing Buddy License”

S-2599/A-4121 (Bateman, Smith/Spencer, Schepisi) – Provides certain definitions for biofuels under “Motor Fuel Tax Act”

S-2825/A-4316 (Sweeney, Greenstein/Mazzeo) – Increases efficiency and transparency in distribution of Superstorm Sandy aid money

S-3023/A-4558 (Ruiz, Oroho/McKeon, Spencer, Wimberly) – Appropriates $4,750,000 from various Green Acres funds for grants to certain nonprofit entities to acquire or develop lands for recreation and conservation purposes

A-4559/S-3022 (McKeon, Spencer, Wimberly/Codey, Doherty) – Appropriates $88,592,361 from “Garden State Green Acres Preservation Trust Fund” and various Green Acres bond funds for local government open space acquisition and park development projects

Bills he has vetoed conditionally (amendments offered to assure his signature)

S-2489/ACS for A-3859 (Sweeney, Whelan, Oroho/Greenwald, Coughlin, Bramnick, Singleton, Rible, Lagana) – CONDITIONAL – Permits public-private partnership agreements for certain building and highway infrastructure projects; provides for EDA oversight.

S-2784/A-3856 (Van Drew, Whelan/Andrzejczak, Johnson) – CONDITIONAL  Provides maximum sales and use tax imposition amount for sales and uses of boats and vessels; establishes grace period for imposition of use tax on certain boats and vessels used by resident purchasers.

See copies of any of the above bills on the NJ Legislature’s website

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