Green in '21

From the NJ League of Conservation Voters

In 2017, New Jersey LCV Education Fund launched an effort called Green in ’17, an educational initiative that sought to elevate the public conversation about the environment in the Governor’s race while educating lawmakers, candidates, and residents on environmental issues and solutions that would protect New Jersey’s air, land, and water. As a result of this campaign, the environment became a top 5 election issue in the 2017 race and voter’s appetites for bold climate action have only increased since then.

During the last four years, New Jersey has made nation-leading progress in regards to safe drinking water, a clean energy economy, environmental justice, and open space conservation. But according to the findings of the latest IPCC report, we have very little time before the world reaches the point of no return on climate. New Jersey cannot rest on its laurels and must continue to be proactive in our efforts to protect public health and the environment.

We’ve launched Green in ’21 to continue to leverage New Jersey’s environmental accomplishments over the past four years and work to build a more equitable, healthier, and sustainable state for generations to come. 

Below you’ll find our 2021 Environmental Policy Guide, which draws on the expertise of over 25 partner organizations — including environmental, justice, community-based, health, student, and civil rights groups. This broad and holistic compendium illustrates environmental, public health issues, and equity challenges facing New Jersey and our communities, as well as the opportunities that lie ahead.

There will be roadblocks that stand in the way of progress. However, our commitment to prepare a sustainable transition to a just, one hundred percent clean energy economy has never been more focused.

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