The daily electronic newsletter, EnviroPolitics, accepts events information for free listings in its EnviroEvents Calendar. The calendar is updated daily and available 24/7 on the newsletter’s free website at

Current listings for September, 2007

September 6
An Overview of Direct Push Well Technology for Long-term Groundwater Monitoring ITRC Internet-based training -1:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Free. Registrationand information at: or Then click on “Internet-based Training.” CEU certificate can be obtained for a fee by contactingthe registrar.

September 11
“Emerging Issues in Risk Management for Environmental Professionals,” 8:30-11 a.m., XL Insurance Office in Exton, PA. Breakfast Seminar Presented by SWEP Greater Philadelphia and Hosted by XL Insurance. The presentation will providemany tools and techniques to environmental professionals for controlling liability exposure. The discussion will explore the risks associated with typical environmental services, root causes of claims, and the fundamental risk factors that contribute to 80% of professional liability claims. XL will give you tools you need to make a difference in your bottom lineby preventing costly, common and preventable mistakes. Marcy Zeichner (Senior Risk Management Consultant) will conduct the training with Kim MacDonald-Assistant Vice President of Claims (Attorney). Do not miss this very informative program. The session is suitable for all levels of management. SWEP members will be free with a $10 fee for allnon-members. Please RSVP Beth Hyde at or call 856-423-8800. Checks may be mailed to Beth Hyde co/Roux Associates, Inc. 1222 Forest Parkway,Suite 190, West Deptford, NJ 08066. Please be sure to register early since this popular program will sell out. Please RSVP by August 31 to: Beth Hyde Roux Associates, Inc.856-423-8800 or Checks may be mailed care of Beth Hyde 1222 Forest Parkway Suite 190 West Deptford, NJ 08066


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September 11
Characterizing Chlorinated Solvent Sites Workshop – Westford, MA Workshop fee is $100 ($40 for government and academia), and includes continental breakfast and lunch. Sponsored by NEWMOA, the workshop will focus on designing a characterization effort, new characterization methods, and case studies from sites in the Northeast. At least 4 Continuing Education Credits will be available for MA LSPs, CT LEPs, PGs and others. Registration available on-line only through the NEWMOA website at:

September 11
Protocol for Use of Five Passive Samplers ITRC Internet-based training 2 to 4:15 p.m. For registration and additional information: Open or Then click on “Internet-based Training. CEU certificate can be obtained for a fee by contacting the registrar.

September 14
Business Recycling: Guidelines for Compliance, 7:30 to 11 a.m., Somerset County Emergency Services Training Academy, 402 Roycefield Rd, Hillsborough, NJ. Businesses and other institutions are invited to attend a recycling seminar, co-sponsored by the Somerset County Division of Solid Waste Management and the Somerset County Business Partnership. Registration is requested by Sept. 14. The cost of the program is$20 per person. To register, contact the Somerset County Business Partnership at (908) 218-4300, ex. 13, or

September 15
Atlantic County Environmental Conference 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Richard Stockton College of New Jersey. Residents and visitors interested in Atlantic County’s environmental future are encouraged to attend. Featuring panel discussions and interesting exhibits, the conference will focus on key environmental issues and such topics as open space preservation, environmental living at home, the Pinelands and coastal issues. The event is designed to help raise awareness about new ways to ensure a cleaner, safer and healthier Atlantic County. The conference is a joint project sponsored by Atlantic County Government, the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey and the Atlantic County Utilities Authority. Advance registration is required. The registration fee is $12.00 (students with ID: $8.00) and includes a continental breakfast, complimentary box lunch and post-event sparkling cider reception. For more information, visit:

September 18
Green Building and Sustainable Design in New Jersey 8:30 – 4:30, Parsippany Holiday Inn, 707 Route 46 East, Parsippany, NJ. This one-day seminar is designed for presidents, vice presidents, architects, engineers, contractors, project managers, developers, bankers, planners, real estate professionals, designers and attorneys. US Green Building Council’s-NJ Chapter is a proud sponsor of this event.CECs provided. For complete details, click here. Register today!

September 18
Vapor Intrusion Pathway: A Practical Guideline ITRC Internet-based training, 2 to4:15 p.m. For registration and additional information: Open or Then click on “Internet-based Training. CEU certificate can be obtained for a fee by contacting the registrar.

September 20
Global Warming, Telling the Local Story 8:30 to noon, Trenton Marriott. Shrinkingyour town’s carbon footprint depends to a large degree on successfully working with the press to inform, engage, educate and persuade the public about how to address the issues. To help you do that, ANJEC and the New Jersey Press Association will bring together New Jersey journalists, environmental commissions and municipal officials for a special half-day workshop featuring an all-star panel of experts and a keynote presentation by Governor Jon Corzine (invited). Fee for ANJEC members $35, non members $40 Half price special: 50% off your registration if you attend with a credentialed journalist.To register, call ANJEC at 973-539-7547 or email:

September 20
Drafting Real Estate Purchase Contracts 9 to 10:30 a.m., Builders League of South Jersey offices, 114 Haddontowne Court in Cherry Hill, NJ. Allen P. Fineberg, a real estate shareholder at Flaster/Greenberg in the firm’s Cherry Hill, office, will present the seminar sponsored by the Builders League of South Jersey. The presentation will address land purchase agreement issues and will offer tips on how to minimize risks. Topics will include title and survey issues, environmental problems, development approvals, financing, defaults, escrows, option payments and due diligence investigations. There is a $25 fee to attend the seminar and a continental breakfast will be offered preceding the presentation at 8:30 am. For more information, directions or to register, contact Marlene Spencer, director of marketing and operations at the Builders League of South Jersey at 856-616-8467; e-mail

September 20
Real-Time Measurement of Radionuclides in Soil ITRC Internet-based training 11 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. For registration and information: Open or Then click on “Internet-based Training. CEU certificate can be obtained for a fee by contacting the registrar.

September 21
LEED for Schools Workshop 8:30 to 5, Trane Conference Center, 4 Wood HollowRoad, Parsippany, NJ Hosted by the US Green Building Council’s NJ Chapter. School districts are demanding green facilities that save money while protecting the environment, improving health and performance of students, and creating a better learning environment. Gain the knowledge needed to maximize green building practices for improving school design and performance. For complete details and registration information, click here

September 21
NJ Governor’s Environmental Excellence Awards – Deadline for Submission The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection is pleased to announcethe application process for the 2007 Governor’s Environmental Excellence Awards.The program was established to recognize outstanding environmental performance, programs and projects in the state. The awards recognize individuals, businesses, institutions and communities who have made significant contributions to environmental protection in New Jersey. Winners of the 2007 Governors Environmental Excellence Awards will be invited to a presentation ceremony and press event hosted by the Governor in the fall. Tentative plans call for a ceremony and reception to be held in Princeton at Drumthwacket, the official residence of the Governor. To download an awards application or to learn more about the awards program including past winnersand project descriptions, visit the awards website at awards program is co-sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, the New Jersey Corporation for Advanced Technology (NJCAT) and the New Jersey State League of Municipalities.

September 24
The New Jersey Paper Recycling Association will hold its next meeting at La Riviera Restaurant in Clifton, NJ. Guest speaker will be Melanie Harman, director of sales, recycling for Weyerhaeuser Co. She will discuss the future of recovered paper. Anyone interested in attending is asked to contact George Chen, the NJPRA president, at (973) 340-8003, or by email at

September 24-26
Air Quality VI: International Conference on Mercury, Trace Elements, SO3, Particulate Matter, and Greenhouse Gases Arlington, Virginia. Organized by: Energy & Environmental Research Center. Conference participants will gain up-to-date information and benefit from discussions on potential health risks, available and developing control technologies, control strategies and research needs, and current and pending regulatory policies. This year’s event will focus on: air quality impacts on policy; health and ecosystems; emission prevention and control; measurementmethods and atmospheric reactions and modeling; and greenhouse gas issues. Web Site: Contact: LaRae Foerster, Phone: 701-777-5246 Fax: 701-777-5181

September 25-27
Energy from Biomass and Waste is the subject of an international exhibition and conference to be held at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Exhibit Hall B, in Pittsburgh, PA. Manufacturers of environmental technology will join with stakeholders from waste management, municipalities, energy-intensive industries, and the farm economy to discuss the value of waste. Waste-to-energy facilities and landfill-gas-recovery sites are what first comes to mind, but there are more options for waste as a resource: biofuels from plastics waste; so-called refuse-derived fuels made from residential waste and used to substitute coal in power plants; bioenergy from wastewater; and biogas from cow manure and chicken litter for heat and power generation. The “Waste to Value” session of the EBW Conference will focus on available technologies, best-practice reports, financing, market trends, and legislative issues. To view the program and to register go to:

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