Environment and energy 

legislation up for votes today 
in the Assembly and Senate

ASSEMBLY VOTING SESSION – Today – 11/22/10 – 1 PM
For consideration:

A-2664  Riley, C.M. (D-3)
Revises penalty for destruction of, or damage to, trees, saplings, shrubs or other plants;
repeals current law thereon.
A-3130  Burzichelli, J.J. (D-3)
Concerns Watershed Property Review Board in DEP.
S-212  Whelan, J. (D-2); Milam, M.W. (D-1); Albano, N.T. (D-1); Quijano, A. (D-20)
Allows construction of wind dependent energy facilities on piers within 500 feet of mean high water line of tidal waters.
Related Bill: A-868
SENATE VOTING SESSION – Today – 11/22/10 – 2 PM
For consideration:

A-2305  Milam, M.W. (D-1); Albano, N.T. (D-1); Riley, C.M. (D-3); Wilson, G.L. (D-5)
Expands “Jersey Fresh” program to include “Made With Jersey Fresh” designation of certain baked goods and other food products.
Related Bill: S-1179
S-2381  Smith, B. (D-17); Bateman, C. (R-16)
Establishes a long-term capacity agreement pilot program to promote construction of qualified in-State electric generation facilities.
Related Bill: A-3442
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