The Department of Environmental Conservation provides these environmental news updates:
Environmental Justice Community Impact Grants Available
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has announced that $4.1 million in Environmental Justice Community Impact Grants (PDF) is available to help communities historically and disproportionately impacted by pollution address environmental concerns. Since 2006, DEC has awarded more than $7 million in Community Impact Grants for projects that engage communities around environmental justice issues and spur community-driven solutions. Community-based organizations can apply to receive up to $100,000 in funding for projects that address environmental and public health concerns of residents in impacted neighborhoods.
The deadline for applications is 3 p.m. on July 1, 2021. For grant information, contact DEC’s Office of Environmental Justice at 518-402-2600, justice@dec.ny.gov, or online at DEC’s Environmental Justice Grant Programs webpage.
Webinar Announced: Paying for Drinking Water and Wastewater Projects
Join the Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center for a free webinar on May 3, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. to learn from federal and state agencies – including DEC – some ways to fund the implementation of a drinking water or wastewater project. We will focus on available water infrastructure funding and financing programs (and related grant programs), intended for those who are well along in project planning and ready for the next step. Other presenters will include representatives from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development, NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation, and the NYS departments of Health, Homes & Community Renewal, and State. Register to attend.
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