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New Jersey Legislative Report for February 12, 2024

Bill: A3577
Sponsors: Collazos-Gill (D27)
Summary: Provides CBT credit for the development of anaerobic digestion facilities that process food waste.
History: 02/08/2024 — Introduced and referred to Assembly Environment, Natural Resources and Solid Waste Committee.

Bill: A3633
Sponsors: Murphy (D7)
Summary: Establishes School Plastics Upcycling Grant Program in DEP to provide proportional awards to eligible schools based on pro rata share of plastics collected, by each school, for upcycling purposes; appropriates $5 million.
History: 02/08/2024 — Proposed for introduction.

Bill: A3645
Sponsors: Calabrese (D36)
Summary: Establishes low-carbon transportation fuel standard program in DEP.
History: 02/08/2024 — Proposed for introduction.

Bill: A3697
Sponsors: Spearman (D5); Park (D37)
Summary: Appropriates $500,000 from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues and “2009 Farmland Preservation Fund” to State Agriculture Development Committee for municipal planning incentive grants for farmland preservation purposes.
History: 02/08/2024 — Proposed for introduction.

Bill: A3698
Sponsors: Reynolds-Jackson (D15); Freiman (D16)
Summary: Appropriates $1.723 million from constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues and “2009 Farmland Preservation Fund” to State Agriculture Development Committee for grants to certain nonprofit organizations for farmland preservation purposes.
History: 02/08/2024 — Proposed for introduction.

Bill: ACR114
Sponsors: Murphy (D7)
Summary: Urges DEP and EDA to establish plastics recycling marketplace.
History: 02/08/2024 — Proposed for introduction.

Bill: S209
Sponsors: Smith (D17); Pou (D35) +1
Summary: Provides CBT tax credit for retrofit of existing warehouses with solar-ready zone once solar panels are installed.
History: 01/09/2024 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
02/05/2024 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Senate. Referred to Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.

Bill: S212
Sponsors: Smith (D17); Greenstein (D14)
Summary: Directs BPU to update interconnection standards for Class I renewable energy sources and develop fixed fee structure for interconnection costs.
History: 01/09/2024 — Introduced and referred to Senate Economic Growth Committee.
01/29/2024 — Transferred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
02/05/2024 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Senate. Referred to Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.

Bill: S225
Sponsors: Smith (D17); Greenstein (D14) +1
Summary: Establishes incentive program for installation of energy storage systems.
History: 01/09/2024 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
02/05/2024 — Reported out of committee, 2nd reading in Senate. Referred to Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.

Bill: S1392 Sca (1R)
Sponsors: Singleton (D7); McKeon (D27) +9
Summary: Establishes Office of Clean Energy Equity in BPU; directs the establishment of certain clean energy, energy efficiency, and energy storage programs for overburdened communities; makes change to community solar program.
History: 01/09/2024 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.
02/05/2024 — Reported out of committee with committee amendments, 2nd reading in Senate. Referred to Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.

Bill: S2557
Sponsors: Steinhardt (R23)
Summary: Establishes requirements for the sale and planting of running bamboo; requires recordkeeping of certain violations and consideration thereof as grounds for license or registration review.
History: 02/08/2024 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.

Bill: S2592
Sponsors: Bucco (R25)
Summary: Creates alternate voting members on county agriculture development boards.
History: 02/08/2024 — Introduced and referred to Senate Economic Growth Committee.

Bill: S2593
Sponsors: Bucco (R25)
Summary: Authorizes use of certain constitutionally dedicated CBT revenues for grants for prevention and remediation of harmful algal blooms.
History: 02/08/2024 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.

Bill: S2594
Sponsors: Bucco (R25)
Summary: Appropriates $28,670,924 in 2003 and 1992 bond act monies for loans for dam restoration and repair projects and inland waters projects.
History: 02/08/2024 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.

Bill: S2595
Sponsors: Bucco (R25)
Summary: Establishes bee-friendly habitat pilot program in the Department of Agriculture; appropriates $1 million.
History: 02/08/2024 — Introduced and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee.

Bill: S2654
Sponsors: Greenstein (D14)
Summary: Directs BPU to conduct a study to determine whether microgrid and distributed energy resource deployment will reduce the length of power outages.
History: 02/08/2024 — Proposed for introduction.

Bill: S2690
Sponsors: Cruz-Perez (D5)
Summary: Requires State entities to recycle certain materials and provide recycling bins in State buildings.
History: 02/08/2024 — Proposed for introduction.

Pennsylvania General Assembly

SB 1054 (Yaw) RGGI Regulation Abrogation
Reported as committed from ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES AND ENERGY, Feb. 5, 2024
First consideration, Feb. 5, 2024
Second consideration, Feb. 6, 2024

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