Public water system operators take note:
  The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing changes to its Total Coliform Rule that will may affect your operations.

The proposed revisions, published in the July 14 Federal Register, would revise the EPA’s Total Coliform Rule (TCR), a national primary drinking water regulation which became effective in 1990. That rule set health goals (MCLGs) and legal limits (MCLs) for the presence of total coliform in drinking water. It also detailed the type and frequency of testing that water systems must undertake.

EPA says its proposed revisions are designed to protect public health by ensuring the integrity of the drinking water distribution system and monitoring for the presence of microbial contamination. The proposals, which are based on recommendations by a federal advisory committee, would:

  • require public water systems that are vulnerable to microbial contamination to identify and fix problems, and
  • establish criteria for systems to qualify for and stay on reduced monitoring, thereby providing incentives for improved water system operation.

Public information sessions on the proposed revisions will be held in Washington, Chicago and San Francisco. 

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