The NJ Board of Public Utilities has approved it and the Pinelands Commission won’t be holding any new public hearings on it, or putting it to a vote, but New Jersey Natural Gas’s proposed, 28-mile natural gas pipeline through the Pinelands is not home free just yet.

The New Jersey Sierra Club announced April 25 that it is suing both state agencies in what may be the environmental community’s last hope of blocking the controversial project that has been denounced by four pervious governors but is strongly supported by the administration of current Governor Chris Christie.

“We are suing the BPU (state Board of Public Utilities) and the Pinelands Commission to protect environmentally sensitive land and open space from this damaging and unnecessary pipeline,” said Jeff Tittel, director of New Jersey Sierra Club in a statement. “This pipeline will cause irreparable harm  to the largest open space on the northeast seaboard, threaten our drinking water supply, and harm communities along the proposed route.” 

For the details, see:
Sierra Club sues state to stop NJNG pipeline
(Asbury Park Press stories and video)
Another Pinelands pipeline approval, another environmental challenge (NJ Spotlight) More coverage of NJ Senate panel’s Pinelands vote (EnviroPolitics Blog, Feb.25, 2015) The Pinelands gas pipeline controversy gets interesting (EP Blog, Dec. 19, 2013) NJ Pinelands gas pipeline touted; Commissioner tossed (EPs Blog, Dec. 14, 2013)

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