Dozens of pieces of environmental legislation will be in play on Monday when members of the New Jersey Legislture cast their final votes of the expiring two-year session.

Among the bills vying for final legislative passage are:

A-2202 – Authorizes any municipality outside Highlands Region to establish receiving zones for Highlands transfer of development rights program.

A-2649/S-1833 – Authorizes Greenwood Lake Commission to charge fees.

A-2859/S-1538 – Provides for installation of biomass, solar, and wind energy facilities on farms.

A-3218 /S-1096 – Creates a state Solar and Wind Energy Commission.

A-3239/S-713 – Establishes forest stewardship and forest certification programs in DEP

A-3339 – Concerns on-site generation facilities

A-4340/S-3126 – Concerns disclosure statements and certain other requirements for licensing of solid waste and hazardous waste operations.

A-4342/S-3039 – Requires eligible applicants for innocent party grants from “Hazardous Discharge Site Remediation Fund” to own subject property through application process

A-2796/S-1059 – Requires DEP to designate three sites on State-owned land where all-terrain vehicles, dirt bikes, and snowmobiles may be used.

Passed and sent to the governor yesterday were:

A-3835 Aca1R Watson Coleman, B. (D-15)Mandates professional engineers to complete continuing professional competency requirements during each biennial licensure period, and

S-2019 Codey, R.J. (D-27); Coutinho, A. (D-29)
Repeals the New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium statute.

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