Newcanadians photo
Tor Olson, former vice president of Executive Recycling, is sentenced
in Colorado to 14 months in prison for his role in duping customers into
believing they were recycling e-waste domestically while it was actually
sent to developing countries, Waste & Recycling News reports today

Olson, along with CEO Brandon Ritcher were convicted in late 2012 of various
mail and wire fraud charges along with environmental crimes. Overall, Olson was
convicted of eight crimes and Ritcher was convicted of nine crimes. Ritcher will be
sentenced July 23, according to court documents. The company itself will be
sentenced at that time as well.
Olson and Ritcher were indicted in 2011 and were convicted after an 11-day trial.
The government alleged the company exported cathode ray tubes to foreign countries, including China. The company exported over 300 containers between 2005 and 2008
and approximately half of those containers contained a total of 100,000 CRTs,
prosecutors said.
The exports were happening while the company claimed they were recycling
the items domestically and responsibly.
The company was featured on a "60 Minutes" segment in 2008. The program
tracked containers from the company to parts of China.
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