The Morning Call’s Tim Darragh reports :

With the memory of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., still fresh, state lawmakers from across Pennsylvania will on Monday start the first of two weeks of hearings on bills related to firearms.

Advocates for a variety of gun bills say it’s a rare opportunity to air out arguments for — and against — bills on a topic that stirs deep passions.

“I’m thrilled just to even have the conversation,” said State Rep. Mike Schlossberg, D-Lehigh, who will testify Tuesday. To his memory, “it’s the first time we’ve ever had any hearings on any gun proposals for or against.”

Seven Republicans and seven Democrats are lined up to testify Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, said Ron Marsico, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. The hearings will be held in Room 140 in the state Capitol, and resume April 16 and 17, with the possibility of a sixth day April 18.

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