Recreation Highlight: DECinfo Locator
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From the New York Department of Environmental Conservation

As you plan your spring and summer outings, turn to DECinfo Locator for the recreation information you need. DECinfo Locator features more than 65 interactive data layers to help you discover all the recreation possibilities in the places you are most interested in visiting.

DECinfo Locator’s outdoor activity data lets hikers, campers, hunters, and other adventurers plan forays into New York’s natural wonders, whether that be locating a fire tower and planning a route, setting up a weekend of fishing, or just browsing the activities allowed on nearby state lands. Find trails, primitive campsites and lean-tos, DEC campgrounds, picnic areas, scenic vistas, hunting lands, boat launches and much more. Multiple information layers can be activated at the same time, putting all the information you need to effectively plan a trip in one place.

DECinfo Locator also lets users see and download permits, former industrial site cleanup plans, water quality reports, and more based on where they live, work, or play, allowing users to see the many ways DEC is working to protect and enhance the state’s environment and recreational opportunities. Start exploring the interactive DECinfo Locator map today.

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