The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is making available recordings of four webinars on $16 million in pollution prevention (P2) grant funding opportunities for potential applicants and interested stakeholders. The webinar recordings cover general information about P2 and the grant application process.

The two grant opportunities will fund state and Tribal programs to help businesses adopt pollution prevention practices to advance environmental justice:  

Eligible applicants include states, state entities such as universities, U.S. territories and possessions, and federally recognized Tribes and intertribal consortia. Individual grant awards may range from $100,000 to $800,000 for the funding period, or up to $1.2 million for multi-state or multi-Tribal projects.

EPA encourages applicants to partner with other P2 stakeholders and community organizations. The new P2 Grant Partners Connection List will include information about a range of potential P2 partners. Sign up by April 21, 2023, to add yourself or your organization to the list. 

More tools and resources are available online including additional webinar recordings, writing guidance, helpful templates, and a networking tool.

Contact the P2 Hub Helpline for additional information or assistance: or (202) 566-0799. 

Learn more about P2 grants.

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