New Jersey’s Highlands Council is looking for a few good land-use planners.

The Council says it’s seeking:

“Statements of Qualifications and supporting information (“Qualification Submittals”) from consultants or consulting teams (“Firm”) with expertise in all aspects of land use planning, including site development, site design and securing local approval.”

The land-management agency will be hiring outside experts to help implement a regional transfer of development rights (“TDR”) program as a component of its Regional Master Plan.

An important part of that effort, it says, is “the allocation of transferable development rights, termed Highlands Development Credits or HDCs, to eligible parcels within the Highlands Region. Allocation of HDCs is premised on the amount and type of development that could have occurred on a parcel prior to enactment of the Highlands Act considering the environmental laws and regulations and municipal zoning that were in place at that time.”

The Council needs the assistance of firms with “significant experience in developing site plans for residential and non-residential development” in order to help it identify the type and amount of non-residential development that could have occurred on a parcel pre-Highlands Act.

Council staff notes that firms should have experience in assessing proposed project economic viability through use of pro formas for all types of development. It’s also looking for firms with experience in redevelopment planning to help form redevelopment policies and programs. Here’s a copy of the entire solicitation.

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