The public-health picture for New Jersey took a sharp turn in the wrong direction Friday, with an overnight jump of nearly 50% in newly confirmed COVID-19 infections.
From NJ Spotlight
The public-health picture for New Jersey took a sharp turn in the wrong direction Friday, with an overnight jump of nearly 50% in newly confirmed COVID-19 infections.
Newly confirmed cases rose above 2,400 — a level not seen since April when they were falling from the top levels of what was then viewed as a third wave of the coronavirus in the state.
Hospitalizations also rose, but by a much smaller degree, and have now been in the 900s for two straight days.
The rate of transmission again held steady, remaining at 1.27 for a third straight day; the number has fallen consistently for nearly three weeks, but anything above 1.0 signals a wider spread of the virus.
Case numbers are also up on the national level, with 150,000 new infections reported overnight, according to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.
Click here to see NJ Spotlight News updated maps and charts on COVID-19 statistics in the state, such as the graphic above.
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