Members of the Sioux Reservation in Standing Rock, ND protest oil pipeline in 2016
By Frank Brill
EnviroPolitics Editor
When the developers of the Dakota Access Pipeline employed
the counter-terrorism security firm,TigerSwan, to see to it that
their pipeline got built through sacred ground on
the Standing
Rock Sioux Reservation, few suburban residents of Philadelphia and Trenton expressed concern.

Now that federal law enforcement is being sought to insure access for a gas pipeline through their neighborhoods, the local response is quite different.  

Dozens of people in New Jersey and Pennsylvania have refused offers from the PennEast Pipeline Company as compensation for the building the proposed natural gas pipeline through their properties. Some say they won’t settle regardless of the amount.
In court documents were filed in both states on Tuesday, the company asked the courts to allow it to immediately take possession of the rights of way where the pipeline will be installed via the legal doctrine of eminent domain.

Local opponents of the PennEast pipeline have been demonstrating for months in Pa and N.

PennEast also asked for the presence of federal marshals to prevent landowners and their supporters from impeding construction.

Property rights can take on a new meaning when it’s your property versus someone else’s.

Jon Hurdle reports on the court filings for NJ Spotlight:
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